First Buck Success: A Conversation with IWOM Pro Staffer John Cole and His Son, Hunter
Erik Scott, IWOM Pro Staff Manager, sat down with fellow Pro Staffer John Cole and his son, Hunter, to talk about Hunter’s first-ever whitetail buck harvest. This heartwarming conversation captures Hunter’s excitement, passion for hunting, and admiration for his family.
Erik: “Hunter, how old are you, and what grade are you in?”
Hunter: “I’m nine years old, and I’m in 3rd grade.”
Erik: “Besides hunting, do you have any other hobbies or play any sports?”
Hunter: “I like to fish, shoot, and ride my bike. I also play football.”
Erik: “Cool! What position do you play in football?”
Hunter: “Linebacker.”

Erik: “That’s a great position! Now, I saw that you recently shot your first deer. Could you tell me about your experience?”

Hunter: “We were sitting, and some deer walked out. They started to walk away but then turned around and came towards us. I shot the buck with my crossbow.”
Erik: “How far was the shot?”
Hunter: “30 yards, and I shot it right through the heart. It ran fifty yards and fell over.”
Erik: “Awesome! Did you have any buck fever?”
Hunter: “No.”

Erik: “How long did you have to wait before going up to it?”
Hunter: “Thirty minutes.”
Hunter’s Dad adds, “He was pretty calm when he shot it but got a little anxious waiting to go up to it.”
Erik: “Understandable. Hunter, did you gut the deer yourself?”
Hunter: “Yes, my dad showed me how to do it.”
Erik: “Do you like eating venison?”
Hunter: “I like jerky sticks, and we get hot dogs made.”
Erik: “I love venison hot dogs myself! Is there any other game you like to hunt?”
Hunter: “I hunt turkey, and we’re going to Wyoming in the spring to hunt turkeys. I also like to shoot groundhogs.”
Erik: “Awesome! Hunting groundhogs is fun. What rifle do you use?”
Hunter: “Savage .22 bolt action.”

Erik: “That’s a great little rifle! What’s your longest shot?”
Hunter: “Forty yards. I also shoot squirrels with my Gamo air rifle.”
Erik: “That’s impressive! Do you have any goals for your hunting journey?”
Hunter: “Yeah, to shoot a monster buck!”
Erik: “Haha, I love it! Hunter, what would you say to a friend who doesn’t hunt to convince them to give it a try?”
Hunter: “I would invite them to hunt with me, and I’d tell them that hunting is awesome… but not as awesome as my dad and my family!”
Erik: “Thanks, Hunter! It was great talking with you, and I wish you luck in all your hunting endeavors.”
Hunter’s first buck is a memory he’ll cherish forever, thanks to the guidance and support of his family. His excitement and passion for the outdoors serve as a reminder of the joys hunting brings to young adventurers. Here’s to many more hunting seasons and memories with the Cole family!